True Blue True Crime

The Snowtown Murders, Part 2



9th of May 1999, Snowtown, South AustraliaJamie and David made the trip to Snowtown, where Jamie had organised for them to check out a cheap computer a mate of his was selling. $200 - a deal that was too good to pass up. They arrived in around an hour, parked out the front of the old bank building and wandered inside.David saw the computer and then he saw John Bunting, who he knew. 'This is the computer,’ Bunting said, and a second later, his offsider Wagner had David by the throat, and they handcuffed the terrified young man. They led him into an area that had once been a bank manager’s office, and proceeded to make him handover his wallet, PIN, and recite a number of phrases and words into a recording device.David, shaking like a leaf, turned to his stepbrother and said ‘Jamie, am I going to go home?’‘Yes,’ Jamie said. ‘Do you promise?’ David asked again. ‘I promise,' Jamie said.Then Bunting put on Live’s Throwing Copper album, and a maniacal grin spread across Wagner’s face. David wasn’t going home...Join