Comic Book Podcast | Talking Comics

Batgirl Variant, New Costumes and Southern Cross | Comic Book Podcast Issue #177 | Talking Comics



Issue #177: Batgirl Variant, New Costumes and Southern Cross LOTS of stuff went down this week and all before we recorded so there is quite a bit to go over. There's the controversy over Rafael Albuquerque's Batgirl variant cover and The Killing Joke. There's the post-Convergence costumes for Wonder Woman and Superman that were revealed (spoilers: they're awful). And then there's certain higher ups over at Image ranting about the "vocal minority" on Twitter and then pulling a very Rob Ford-esque apology. So, you know. Stuff happened. If you get a chance, make sure to check out this blog by Adam Gorham regarding the male fanboy perspective on the Batgirl variant controversy and The Killing Joke. We get into everything throughout the show and then there's the good ol' regular segments in which we talk about comics. These ones in particular... Lightning Round The Surface #1, Deadly Class Vol. 2, Sheltered #15, Operation S.I.N. #3, Saga #26, Spider-Gwen #2, Thor #6, Spawn Resurrection #1, Powers (TV sho