Staying Well

Heart-to-Heart: Personalized Care for Cardiology Patients



You want your doctor to know who you are as a person, not just another patient.Do you ever feel like when you go to the doctor's office you're not being listened to? You have all the same symptoms of other patients with cardiovascular disease, so you're lumped into a category.What about individualized care?When you think about quality healthcare, you want your doctor to know who you are as a person, not just another patient... especially when it has to do with matters of your heart.In the world of cardiology, how can you make sure you're getting personalized care?First, it's important to understand who's sitting across from you. Unfortunately, when it comes to cardiovascular issues that require medical attention, you're usually taken to the hospital. This chaotic setting -- mixed with the loads of patients -- makes it more difficult to spend quality time with each person, particularly when so many people need attention.How is personalized care changing?Some patients spend more than 45 minutes with their cardi