Staying Well

Engaged? Questions to Ask Before Tying the Knot



First comes love, then comes marriage... unfortunately, most couples skip a crucial step between their love and their future.Love can be wonderful, special and rare; but love can also be blinding. If you have certain expectations of what your future holds with your significant other (having five kids, practicing a specific religion, working while also being a full-time mom) wouldn't you think to talk to your partner before the wedding date?Most couples don't.While dating, you are just sharing little things like blankets to watch a movie or food to snack on. When you're engaged, you're not just sharing the little things anymore; you're sharing things that you might not have realized.So, what questions should you be asking your significant other before or during your path to marriage?One of the fundamentals is asking what you and your significant other expect out of marriage. You may have these unspoken expectations of what roles you and your spouse will hold during marriage.Another important question to think