Abiding Together

S08 Episode 06: The Power of Poverty, the Beauty of Mercy - Part 2



The Power of Poverty & The Beauty of Mercy - Part 2 In this episode we continue with Part 2 of our interview with Fr Mark-Mary CFR. We discuss the invitation to encounter the presence of Jesus in the poor, our fears that can get in the way, and living the corporal works of mercy with those who are among us.  Fr. Mark Mary’s one thing - All the lovely women in his life and their amazing feminine genius, most especially Michelle Benzinger Sister Miriam’s one thing - Cause of our Joy - Mother Mary Francis, P.C.C  Michelle’s one thing - The friendship of Heather, Sister Miriam, and Fr. Mark Mary Heather’s one thing - Canadian Thanksgiving, eh?  Heather’s other one thing -  Maverick City, Vol. 3 Pt. 2- Maverick City Music  Discussion questions:     What struck you from this week’s episode? What are some fears or hesitancies that have kept you from encountering Jesus in the poor? In Matthew 25, Jesus invites us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and welcome the stranger. Where do the opportunities to respon