Abiding Together

S08 Episode 02: An Unshakeable God in Unprecedented Times



In this episode we talk about how we are finding the Lord and clinging to Him in a time that is uncertain and wrought with suffering and isolation. We discuss how these times of difficulty expose how strong our root systems are and the difference between isolation vs solitude . We also chat about the importance of learning to lament and offer our sorrow to God instead of shutting it down or wallowing in self pity. The invitation is for us to build our foundation on our unshakeable God. Sister Miriam’s one thing - Heather’s new backyard pool!  Michelle’s one thing - Mary's Mantle Consecration by Christine Watkins Michelle’s other one thing - Marian Consecration for Families with Young Children by Colleen Pressprich and illustrated by Rebecca Gorzynska Heather’s one thing - I Surrender - Hillsong and Lauren Daigle  Discussion questions:     What struck you from the podcast? What are you lamenting right now? And if you're not lamenting, is it something you feel free to do? Why or why not? We are the church. W