Abiding Together

S06 Episode 4: How to Accompany Someone Through A Hard Season



How to Accompany Someone Through A Hard Season In this episode we talk about how to journey with each other through hardships and offer the powerful gift of presence. Walking through suffering with each other is sacred ground, so we need to learn how to become a compassionate presence and honor the vulnerability in others, while also being vulnerable ourselves. We talk about how to discern what we are able to offer to others and how we need to ask the Holy Spirit how to respond instead of falling into codependency or taking on the problems of others.   Sister Miriam’s one thing - Surrender Prayer  God, my Father, I thank you for all that you are, and all that you do for me through your son Jesus Christ. I praise you for my life, for your mercy and for your Eucharist.   In Jesus’ name, Father, I place myself entirely in your Heart. I surrender to you my whole self, my heart, my mind, my memory, my imagination, my will, my emotions, my passions, my desires, my body, my sexuality, my desire for human approval, m