Abiding Together

S06 Episode 2: Words Have Power



Words Have Power In this episode we talk about how words have incredible power to either bless or curse, to build up or tear down. We talk about how social media can be a place of connection, but also a place where we quickly forget to treat people with dignity. The truth that our words have power to restore, heal, be prophetic is something that can challenge us to be more discerning about how we speak and take the lead by being people who bless others. Sister Miriam’s one thing - A gift of a handmade journal made by Magdelena. Thank you so much!   Michelle’s one thing - The Steubenville Encounter Conference in Dallas   Heather’s one thing - The podcast “Every Knee Shall Bow” on the Ascension website    Discussion questions:     What struck you from the podcast? When have you witnessed the desire to be right as more important than caring for and respecting another person? Is this something you have struggled with? What would it look like if we all started intentionally offering life giving words t