Abiding Together

S05 Episode 21: The Art of Conversation



Today on the Abiding Together Podcast, Sr. Miriam, Michelle, and Heather discuss how to have fruitful and authentic small group discussions that provide safety and opportunities for deep connection with others. We give insights into how to talk in a vulnerable way, how to sit at one another’s feet and listen, and what the ingredients are for meaningful conversations. We hope this offers some helpful insights for going deeper in your friendships and small faith groups with other women. One Thing We Love this Week Sister Miriam’s one thing - Heather’s Greek Salad (diced cucumber, grape tomatoes, bell peppers, sweet onion and feta (you can get it without goat milk if you like) and the amazing Abbotsford Greek Islands restaurant dressing. Michelle’s one thing - Reading books aloud with her daughter. She is using this website to read The Secret Garden. Heather’s one thing - Making an awesome charcuterie board. Here’s a link with a video of how to make one. Also, you can pinterest this and find other cool ide