Abiding Together

S05 Episode 18: The Heart of a Mother



Today on the Abiding Together Podcast, Sr. Miriam, Michelle, and Heather talk about the gift and calling of motherhood. Whether it be biological or spiritual motherhood, every woman is called to offer her maternity. Motherhood stretches our hearts to love more deeply and give new life to others. We talk about adoption and spiritual motherhood, which allows others to be born in our hearts as we image the gift of adoption that God has given to us. Visit ascensionpress.com/abidingtogether to subscribe to the shownotes and receive them in your email every Monday! One Thing We Love This Week Sister Miriam’s one thing - the beauty of Bowling Green, Kentucky Michelle’s one thing - weekend getaways with her spouse Heather’s one thing - two songs from the new Hillsong United album, “People”: Clean and Highlands (Song of Ascent) Discussion Questions Where do you experience the joy of maternity and femininity? What would you like Jesus to heal in your maternity and femininity? How is God inviting you to expand your hea