Abiding Together

S05 Episode 08: Marriage and Restoration with Dr. Bob Schuchts



Today on the Abiding Together Podcast, Sister Miriam, Michelle and Heather talk with special guest, Dr. Bob Schuchts. Dr. Bob has been a marriage and family therapist for 40 years and is the founder of the JP II Healing Center. He shares about the five areas of intimacy in marriage and the role of healing and restoration in the places that have hurt that intimacy. Check out more info about Dr. Bob’s ministry Check out his books: “Be Healed” “Be Transformed” “Real Suffering” Visit www.ascensionpress.com/abidingtogether to subscribe to the shownotes and receive them in your email every Monday! One Thing We Love This Week: Sister Miriam’s One Thing - The playlist “Peaceful Classical Music” Michelle’s One Thing - The Netflix series “Call the Midwife” Heather’s One Thing - Jake taking me to see Justin Timberlake! So fun. Dr. Bob’s One Thing - The book “The Same Kind of Different As Me” Discussion Questions: 1) Which one of the 5 areas of intimacy do you struggle with the most? If you’re not married this still appl