Abiding Together

S05 Episode 07: Hope and Healing in Times of Trial



Today on the Abiding Together Podcast, Sister Miriam, Michelle and Heather talk about living with the reality of depression, anxiety and hardships in life. We have some vulnerable conversation about our personal journeys and share the things we have learned along the way that have anchored our hearts in the hope of Jesus and allowed for healing and growth. Visit www.ascensionpress.com/abidingtogether to subscribe to the shownotes and receive them in your email every Monday! One Thing We Love This Week: Sister Miriam’s One Thing - Adam Young- The Purpose of Counseling Michelle’s One Thing - Tasha Cobbs - Queen of Soul Heather’s One Thing - “Even When It Hurts” by Hillsong United Discussion Questions: 1) What stood out to you in this podcast? 2) Where are the places that you struggle to rest in God and believe He is trustworthy? 3) What has helped you have hope in times of trial? 4) What allows you to rest, receive, and not isolate when you’re struggling? Journal Questions: 1) What might be stunting your emotio