Abiding Together

S05 Episode 01: Word of the Year



Welcome back for Season 5! In this episode, Sr. Miriam, Michelle, and Heather kick off the new year by discussing the concept of a “word of the year”, a word given to us by God to help shape our heart, mind, and direction for 2019. They each share what they believe God has spoken to them for this year, how to cultivate it, and how we can listen to the voice of God and His guidance. Visit www.ascensionpress.com/abidingtogether to subscribe to the shownotes and receive them in your email every Monday! One Thing We Love This Week: Sr. Miriam’s One Thing - A Wonder Woman fridge magnet, gift from our friend Mary Michelle’s One Thing - The movie Pride and Prejudice Heather's One Thing - The new movie Mary Poppins Returns! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3jsfXDZLIY Discussion Questions: 1) What is your word of the year? If you don’t have one, how might you make room for God to speak to you about this coming year? 2) What practical things do you need to help this word take root and bear fruit in your life? 3) How