Abiding Together

S04 Episode 12: Advent and the Fellowship of the Feminine Genius (Part 1)



Today we begin a short Advent series on the Fellowship of the Feminine Genius. We break open what happens in the power of community and what it means to come together in a circle and champion one another and to offer a place to be seen, known, and celebrated. We use the relationship of Mary and Elizabeth as the model and share our own story of how we met, how God has used our fellowship to encourage and fight for one another and how to offer true friendship and love for one another. One Thing We Love This Week: Sr. Miriam’s One thing - Heather’s Advent Playlist Michelle’s other one thing - The book by Madeline L'Engle - And it was Good: Reflections on Beginnings Heather's One Thing - Advent book by Ann Voskamp “[Unwrapping the Greatest Gift - A Family Christmas Celebration ]"(https://amzn.to/2QlPSE9) Also the song “Noel” by Lauren Daigle Discussion Questions: 1) What stands out to you about Mary and Elizabeth's friendship? 2) When have women spoken into your life in life giving ways? 3) What does a safe circl