Abiding Together

S04 Episode 07: Doctors of the Church Part 2: St. Hildegard of Bingen



Today’s episode we dive into the life of St. Hildegard of Bingen, part 2 of our series on the women doctors of the Church. We talk about how amazing this woman was, her many talents and how she used the power of her voice and influence to help restore the Church. We also discuss places that we have lost our voice, the trap of self doubt, and letting God be strong in our weakness. One Thing We Love This Week: Sr. Miriam's One Thing - The Anonymous 4 album “The Origin of Fire” https://www.amazon.com/Origin-Fire-Visions-Hildegard-Bingen/dp/B00B3SPEQI/ref=sr_1_20?ie=UTF8&qid=1540407535&sr=8-20&keywords=anonymous+4 Michelle's One Thing - The Ministry of Ordinary Places - Shannan Martin https://www.amazon.com/Ministry-Ordinary-Places-Waking-Goodness-ebook/dp/B07BB665J5/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1540413147&sr=8-1&keywords=shannan+martin Heather's One Thing - The song “New Wine” by Hillsong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbJaM_EneMw Discussion Questions: Have you ever believed the lie that its