Abiding Together

S04 Episode 04: How to Begin Dreaming



In this episode we talk about how to begin dreaming about the things God is calling us to, which is very different than the cheesy instagram notion. We also share about dreams being deep desires that God places in our hearts to build up the kingdom and how to invite the Holy Spirit to restore the broken place so that new life can come forth. One Thing We Love This Week: Sr. Miriam's One Thing - Torin Wells “Known” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbQ6Lfh5L14 Michelle's One Thing - Reese Witherspoon’s book “Whiskey in a Tea Cup https://www.amazon.com/Whiskey-Teacup-Growing-Taught-Biscuits-ebook/dp/B07CL96ZWB/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1537585554&sr=8-1&keywords=reese+witherspoon+whiskey+in+a+tea+cup And the LIFEWATR video about art in schools - https://youtu.be/86Yr9rMV-GY Heather's One Thing - My kids! Discussion Questions: What dreams do you believe that God has placed in your heart? Do you trust that God has good things in store for your future or is this a place of doubt? What is the doubt tied