Abiding Together

S03 Episode 19: Mother Mary



In this month of May, dedicated to mothers, we wanted to talk about our Lady, our Mother Mary. In this episode we chat about the calling of all women to spiritual motherhood and how we relate to Mary as our mother. We also discuss how Mary can be a powerful model for us of openness to the will of God and filling of the Holy Spirit and how she can assist us in our journey closer to Jesus. One Thing We Love This Week: Sr. Miriam's One Thing - Art “Mary and Eve by Sr. Grace Remington, 2013” Michelle's One Thing - Love Good Culture Heather's One Thing - Fish Taco’s (defrost frozen Mahi Mahi from Costco, sprinkle with Montreal Chicken spice (or whatever you have) and grill for a few minutes each side until it flakes. Serve with a buffet of chopped cilantro, black beans, tortilla chips, salsa, grated cheese, sliced lime, jasmine rice, and soft tortillas) YUM! Discussion Questions: Who is Mary in your life? Mary has various titles such as Refuge of Sinners, Star of the Sea, Blessed Mother. What is your favorite t