Uncovering Your Unlimiting Beliefs

December Dream Goal Series Episode 1 Releasing Opening



Join host Kate Burke, Ba Health & PE , Certified Coach, for a return of the goals series for uncovering unlimiting beliefs and unwanted feelings around your priority goal for the month. This could be a goal that reveals greater serenity, inner peace, happiness, wisdom and harmony in the world. Or you may wish to release around any issue in the moment. The host will take a demonstration goal for the month.Please note, this releasing does not treat, diagnose, cure nor advise on any medical or psychological condition, even though there have been profound gains worldwide in every area from the teachings of Lester Levenson's releasing. It is recommended to have listen to previous episodes re goals on this show.For more information please check http://www.youtransformingyou.weebly.com and http://www.kateburke.weebly.com