

So, you’re in the middle of a big project. And it’s going goooood. So good, in fact, that after a particularly successful moment you jump on an impromptu call with your small but mighty team, and you dance a jig with them (in silence because where they are it’s 1am and their families are sleeping). Basically you’re on top of the world, life is good, you are the bomb dot com.And then, literally, an hour later, you’re on the couch and you cannot move. And you’re not the bomb dot com anymore, because you got hit by a major stomach bug. You’re now not only puking all the time, but have been reduced to a mere humble being, who’s also dealing with regular ol’ insecurities and fears around your launch. In these moments of insecurity, how do you find your resilience? How do you push through? How do you manage expectations? And how do you celebrate the wins - because they are there. And they’re waiting to be seen. But are your eyes open to them?In this episode we uncover: ✅  One of the reasons