
Ausarian Initiation



The Ausarian Initiation system was Kamit’s main spiritual system.  It was fundamentally based on the knowledge that man is a divine being who begins life in the human stage.  Given that the human nature is dominated by emotionalism, sensuality, and the lower mind the human nature is the source of all of mankind’s problems.  “I’m only human” is the universal excuse for wrong doings by the average person, and the most exalted religious leader, and all.  Written in 600 BC, the Old Testament Bible records that “man is made in the likeness and image of God,” repeating in its own way, the Ancient Egyptian teaching of the same.  Ausar represents man’s divine nature, and the Ausarian Initiation is the systematic approach to transcending and realizing man’s divinity.Divine Law and the Initiation ProgramChemists and Physicists are able to accurately manipulate atoms and the forces of nature because they have knowledge of the laws that govern the behavior of atoms and forces.  Over six thousand years ago, Kamitic sages