Nature Spirits Speak

Help! I think I need to Re-Tweek My Life



We all come to that place of knowing that things need to change and that we need to re-tweek our lives, but how we go about this is not quite so easy or simple. The fact of the matter is that change is inevitable … don’t you just love hearing that when you are up to your eyes in confusion and not knowing what is happening, why it’s happening or which way to turn to find a little relief!!! But the truth of the matter is I guess … change is inevitable, and the sooner we come to terms with this concept, the better we will be able to ride the roller coaster of emotions that are associated with change! The fact of the matter is that we are all going through a re-tweeking at this present time … no one has been left untouched in one way shape or form … at a personal level, a community level or at a global level. That’s what happens when a planet moves into a new Great Age. On this week's Nature Spirits Speak show I will be sharing with you some very practical steps you can take in the re-tweeking process ... hints