Nature Spirits Speak

Is Giving Up An Option - Can We Find Happiness?



Well, the answer to this question is definitely YES and YES! How can it be anything but yes, as we all have the power to choose the path we walk in this life-time – we all have free will! For some in our communities, giving up is not an option and they continue to persevere no matter what! But sadly for others it means giving up on life and on ever finding happiness. Now, there can be any number of emotions that people experience when losing someone close to them … sadness, anger, a feeling of betrayal, and often helplessness. Is it possible to find our way through these emotions? On this week’s show I have a beautiful guest Lois McCulloch who is not only finding her own happiness, but is also inspiring so many others do the same! As you will discover during our discussion around finding happiness, Lois is a lady with a wealth of wisdom. Lois speaks from personal experience as we discuss that finding happiness from a place of the deepest grief may be very challenging ... but always possible if we choose to