Nature Spirits Speak

The Key to Successful Writing



So you have a fabulous idea for a book, or you have had the urge to write for a very long time but you just haven’t been able to get started. Maybe people have said to you …”You should write your story, or should write your memoirs, or whatever it may be” … and you think to yourself, that’s all well and good, but where do you begin? Perhaps you are one of those beautiful people who have great plans but just can’t seem to put pen to paper to get things started … and you are just not sure why! I hear so many people say, I have been thinking about writing a book, but I just never seem to get around to it! So you keep promising yourself that you will write someday ... but not sure when! My question to all of these beautiful souls is, “What is the real reason why you are putting it off?” My next question is, "How will you feel if you don’t write that book or whatever it is that you have been promising to do for years." Will you be one of those who, in their last few years on this planet, are telling everyone how d