Nature Spirits Speak

Is Your Dream Worth the Wait?



Have you ever found yourself asking: "Is this ever going to happen? Am I doing this right? Is all this stuff that I read about just made up or can I really create what I want in my life?" Or perhaps you have found yourself saying, "It’s just not happening! Things seem to work out for other people but definitely not for me! I’m just over trying to do this everyday and not seeing results! It doesn’t seem to matter how hard I work on this … it just doesn’t seem to happen!" Well, believe me I have said all of these … and more!!! I know from first-hand experience that waiting for a dream to become a reality can be at times, a rather harrowing experience!! I seem to have been waiting a life time for some of my dreams to come true! But they have, and I know without a doubt that there are still lots more on their way to me as I grow in belief that I can create anything that I desire. Life has now become sooo exciting as I learn more and more that Divine timing is the perfect timing in accomplishing anything in this p