Nature Spirits Speak

Whisperings of Horses



Since ancient times, the horse has symbolised power and freedom. We can only imagine how truly exhilarating and freeing it must have felt for the first men who climbed on the back of a horse and raced across the open plains. Humanity made a huge leap forward when we finally recognised the power and freedom that the horse could bring. Horses are amazing teachers if we would only take the time to watch their actions, and listen to their unspoken language. By connecting to their wisdom and allowing horses to share all they have to offer, the riding experience will become truly enjoyable. On this week's show we hear from 2 extremely talented people ... Steve Halfpenny of Silversand Horsemanship Centre (Horse whispering expert) and Helen Sharp who is a trainer for Silversand. Both handle horses with complete love and care - they create the most wonderful unity between themselves and their horses. This is certainly a gift, but it is a gift that can be developed by all who wish to create that oneness between horse a