Nature Spirits Speak

Taking a Quantum Leap



In this amazing time in history, we have the ability to perform feats of magic in creating our heart’s desires. Right now we have the ability to stretch into the quantum field and in the blink of an eye, perform what most would consider impossible! The fact of the matter is though, that for most of us, the concept of quantum anything seems virtually impossible … why? Well for starters, unless you happen to be a quantum physicist, the mechanics of quantum can be just a tad confusing, and secondly, our 3 dimensional minds find it quite difficult to wrap themselves around this concept! The other issue is that the word quantum has become such a catch phrase of so many, that it has kind of lost its meaning. According to the dictionary, taking a quantum leap is a sudden large increase or advance … so I am presuming that this sudden large increase or advance can happen in any area of our life. But once again, for most of us who have been struggling with just getting through today, this seems totally off the radar …