Nature Spirits Speak

One Simple Technique - Life Changing Results



This amazing technique increases Focus, Reduces Stress and Promotes Health and Happiness in Children and Adults alike! My guest today is a beautiful lady – Heidi Thompson. Heidi teaches a simple exercise called 'Breath Awareness' which helps children and adults feel more calm and focused … and a great deal more! I for one am very happy to learn techniques that reduce stress and bring a calmness to my life. So Breath Awareness … what is it exactly, how does it differ from other techniques such as yoga, and what other benefits does it have for us in today’s world? Well, with Heidi’s assistance, we learn how ‘Breath Awareness’ can not only reduce stress, but also how it helps in the overcoming of addictions, and assists in creativity. Heidi shares with us hints and tips on ways we can put this fabulous technique into practice on a daily basis, and see incredible results.