Nature Spirits Speak

Is Your Guidance System Working for You?



Have you ever asked someone for their opinion on a pressing question only to be asked in return, “what is your heart saying?” or they simply reply with a statement of “go with your heart”. Have you ever had that feeling inside that something was not quite right? Have you ever had the feeling that you just have to go with an idea even though it doesn’t really make sense at the time? Have you ever been pondering the answer to a problem only to suddenly have an idea just flash into your mind? Well, this is your intuition at work. It is your unconscious mind or the spiritual part of you, speaking to you. As you grow in understanding of this, you will begin to realize the amazing power you have at your finger tips!!! You don’t need to take special lessons or training in how to use it; the only thing you need to do is raise your awareness about it and set your intention to harness it. … oh no, there’s that Intention word again!!! “The only real valuable thing is intuition” Albert Einstein. Intuition is a natural p