Nature Spirits Speak

How to Deal with Emotional Abuse



In our changing world, life for many is becoming more challenging than ever before! The sad reality is that the way people are coping with the stresses of life is by hitting out those around them … not necessarily with physical abuse, but in a way that can quite often have much greater long term negative effects. I am referring to emotional abuse which has become rife in all age groups. and in so many personal and work place relationships. Our guest today is an expert in helping those affected by emotional abuse to stand in their power and, as she says, ‘Choose to be Incredible’! Victoria Rei not only has a wonderful story to tell, but is also here today to assist anyone who may be the victim of emotional abuse, by sharing winning strategies that will help them to take back their power. Feeling trapped or bullied can be truly debilitating, and a feeling that we do not have to accept for our life. We all deserve to be happy and confidently living our Truth.