Nature Spirits Speak

Bridging the Gap between Medical & Spiritual Healing



How do we go about bridging the gap between the medical & the Spiritual worlds and ensuring we have the best healing possible? To help us with this, quite often controversial question, I have a beautiful guest – Carolyn Green The 'Energy Nurse' who is going to share with us firstly the importance of this, and then help us with simple and practical steps that we can take to bring the 2 together. Whilst living busy lives, we all tend to forget to set priorities in our lives, and create healthy boundaries that assures we are taking care of ourselves. Today we are going to learn how we can actually bridge the gap between medical and spiritual healing, and empower ourselves with the ability to take care of not only our physical bodies, but also our spiritual and emotional bodies. So where do we begin? A great place to start is by loving ourselves enough to slow down the busyness of our lives, breathe a little deeper for just a few moments each day and contemplate our energy levels. Our energy levels are the tr