Nature Spirits Speak

The ‘FAST TRACK’ to Healing through Music & Sound



Have you ever wondered why you become so emotional at the sound of your National anthem, or why certain music brings a smile to your heart and other music makes you want to get up and dance, or why some music brings you to tears and allows you to feel the saddest of emotions? Just as the Shamanistic healer enters the spirit world through chanting and dance to heal the patient, it is through our use of music and sound that we connect with the Source of all things - the world of the Great Spirit where true healing takes place… miracles in fact! To help us understand how this all works, I have a beautiful and inspiring guest today, Jill Mattson, who is an expert in the field of Music and Sound healing. I can’t wait to share with you her wonderful hints & tips which I know will help all of us to 'fast track our way to healing emotionally, physically and spiritually.