Nature Spirits Speak

Managing Time in our New Golden Age



Time management in this beautiful Golden age that we have just entered … the Age of Aquarius! Okay, hands up all those who feel like there are just not enough hours in the day to do what needs to be done? Keep your hand up if you feel you are working harder and longer hours than ever before, but still not managing to get through all that needs to be done for the day? I am guessing there are more hands raised than lowered! LOL Yes, I know exactly what you mean … I think I need this radio show today more than anyone else!!! I know I don’t have the constraints of children any more, but even so, I seem to be busier than ever and quite often feeling totally overwhelmed at what has to be achieved in a set time frame. So is there an answer to this madness? Yes, there is … but it does take a shift in our perception of life, and how we go about the activities we feel are essential to our everyday living. On today's show I am going to share with you what I see as some of the practical things we can do to ease the press