Nature Spirits Speak

The True Magic in Feathers



If you love feathers, love finding feathers, or feathers seem to constantly drift into your life … then this podcast is definitely for you! But, even if none of these things seem to happen, then maybe after listening, we will have you out walking searching for those beautiful little drops of magic called feathers. Now I am sure that all of us, at some time or other have picked up a feather, and even if we were unaware of its symbolism, have somehow connected to its energy. We have probably just held it in our hands, perhaps stroked it through our fingers, admired its amazing beauty, and felt quite excited at having found it … for some – like yours truly – this may happen every day, and for others it may take you back to your childhood LOL Come on think back a little! You may think that yes, feathers are very sweet, but what have they got to do with me? Besides, I don’t really have the time or the energy to be out looking for feathers! So today, I am going to help you understand why others love to find feat