Nature Spirits Speak

Doing What You Love & Loving What You Do



Wouldn’t that be great I hear you say! But, it’s just not possible … there are bills to pay, rent or house payments, food, school fees, etc etc, so I really have to continue at what I’m doing (even though I’m unhappy doing it) or we will go under! Yes, I know all this because I have been there myself at one point or other in my life. The real issue here is … and I know this may sound very harsh … that these are just the excuses we keep telling ourselves and even more importantly, believing! So is it really possible to do what we love and love what we do? The answer is a resounding YES! And on today’s show I have a fabulous, inspiring guest who is going to help us understand this - Heather McClosky-Beck. Heather has a wealth of information to share with us that will propel each and everyone of us towards this end. Just imagine being able to do this every single day … well, Heather is going to help us make this a reality! WooHoo!