Nature Spirits Speak

What 2014 Holds for YOU!



So what does this year hold for you … I thought that a great way to start the year and discover some interesting facts about the year ahead on a personal basis was to look at our individual number through the eyes of Numerology. My guest today will tell you that the numbers never lie, so I think it is certainly worth listening to see how Numerology can assist us. You see we all have a very special number which is related to … of course … to our birth date. This date has great significance not only in the world of astrology, but also in Numerology. So today I am interviewing well known and highly successful numerologist, Henry Conlan. Henry has some really fabulous things to share with us today … very practical information that we can use to help us understand how we can work with the year ahead to make it a truly successful one. WooHoo!