Nature Spirits Speak

Past Life Regression Therapy - the benefits to you!



Past Life Regression Therapy is a fabulous way to help you heal. Sometimes there are issues in our lives that just seem to NOT want to go away! Try as we may, the same old problem raises its head. We go through every possible healing modality that was ever created or thought of to address the issue, but the problem still remains. So what can we do? Well, sometimes the issues we face are so deeply embedded that it takes going back into the original experience that caused us the problem in the first place. This was the time we took on certain beliefs or perceptions about our lives … negative beliefs and perceptions that we are still holding onto today. To assist our understanding and our healing, on this podcast we discuss: • Past Life Regression therapy • What this is and how it works • What it may mean for your life, and how it may be the answer to your personal healing