Nature Spirits Speak

What is Your Body Saying to You?



What is your body saying to you? And if you think your body can’t speak and doesn’t really have a say in what you do … think again!! Our bodies will go along nicely until one day it says enough is enough … and then believe me, if you don’t take the time to stop and listen, well, you are in for a shock!! LOL Well, I also have a wonderful and inspiring woman as guest on this Nature Spirits Speak Radio, Angela Counsel, who is an expert naturopath, wellbeing counselor & much more! Angela assists in really understanding how our body speaks to us … and the times we really need to listen. I think with the busyness of life at the moment, this could be vital information for us to hear and take on board. We will be discussing: What is Body Speak? Why does our body need to speak to us? How do we start to interpret what our body is saying?