Nature Spirits Speak

Putting the Sparkle Back Into Our Lives



Losing a child is tragic ... a heart wrenching experience that can take hold of parents lives and drop them into the deepest depression and despair. On this week’s show, I have with me a beautiful lady, Tova Gold, who knows only too well the grief associated with losing children. Not only has Tova a truly inspiring story to share, but is also going to help us understand a little more about ‘Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome’. Over time, Tova discovered ways to overcome the depression that accompanied the incredible loss she suffered. She now inspires thousands globally through what she calls ‘Finding My Muchness’! This is all about sharing with others how to find their way through the challenges of life and move forward in the most delightful and extraordinary ways! I am just so excited to be chatting with Tova.