Nature Spirits Speak

Potent Healing from Near & Far



So many tell us that healing can be a simple process … well this just wasn’t the case for me! I felt that life had dealt me quite a few rather difficult blows, and healing myself from all of this was not something that I could do myself … it was not going to be simple and definitely not easy!! I searched high and low for anybody who could heal me of whatever needed to be healed, until one beautiful moment in time when I realised that I had the power to heal myself! Others could assist this process, but I was the one who had to make the decision to heal, and by doing this, I had already begun the process! WooHoo!! To help us with this, I have a wonderful and inspiring woman as guest on this show, Wendy Joy, helps us really understand this concept. Wendy is an extremely gifted healer with so much wisdom to share. We discuss: ‘Energy Healing’ and what this means! How we figure out the underlying cause of the problems we are having! How to clear our energy and remove the blocks! How our beliefs factor in the hea