Nature Spirits Speak

Overcoming Chronic Depression & Finding miracles in Your Life



So what is a miracle? Well, if we go to the dictionary, we read that a miracle is an extraordinary event which has no natural explanation … a little of the supernatural powers at work! I not only think, but know without a doubt, that we have all experienced miracles in our lives! Sometimes though, we just have to learn how to recognise them. To help us with this, I have a wonderful and inspiring woman as guest on my show today, Leah Carey, who is going to help us really understand this concept. Leah is a lady with an extraordinary story to tell … having spent over two decades struggling with chronic depression, to now assisting others to find their very own miracles. We are going to be discussing depression and how to not only cope with this, but to use it as a spring board to creating a wonderful fulfilling life. We are also going to be discussing the ways in which you can recognise the miracles that surround you every single day … even how to create your very own!