Nature Spirits Speak

How to Create Your Angel Dream Team



For all those beautiful souls who love connecting to their Angels, this Nature Spirits Speak radio show is definitely for you. It is also for all those who would love to know how to Create Your Angel Dream Team and what this means for you in your life ... and your Success! I also chat with a wonderful and inspiring woman as guest, Angel Lady Terrie Marie, who helps us not only understand this concept, but also helps us to put together our very own Angel Dream Team. This magnificent team of Angels will assist us in our journey here on planet earth, and attach wings to our dreams! We discuss: • The main purpose of Angels and how they work in your life • What is an Angel Dream Team? • Why is it important to know how to activate your Angel Dream Team? • What can your Angel Dream Team do for you? • What are 3 Angel-centered strategies for raising your “wealth-frequency” and accelerating your income? • How can someone design an executive Board of Directors made up of Angels? And lots more!