Nature Spirits Speak

Stepping Into the Future



Having been through an immense time of challenge myself … losing it all financially and a bit more, and not knowing how I was going to survive … with everyday being an enormous struggle to just put food on the table and pay the rent! I cried so many tears of despair and anguish not knowing which way to turn, until I discovered that all I really needed to do was to turn inward and find my truth. I had the power at my fingertips to change my world in the most wonderful ways. If you are currently experiencing challenges, please take heart for I am here to tell you, that things can and do change, and you can and will find the light at the end of the tunnel!! For me, and thousands of others before me, out of those bleakest of times have grown the most magical opportunities. I would have to say that life has become a miracle, and the same can happen for you. Today, my guest Cheryl Maloney, is going to help us make sense of these difficult times and share with us the steps we can take to move forward with our lives