Nature Spirits Speak

Marketing Your Gifts Globally



On this Nature Spirits Speak Show I interview a beautiful lady who is a supersonic business/marketing coach with a great deal of fabulous information to share. Ally Loprete is truly an expert in the area of getting yourself seen and getting yourself heard! This is a show not to be missed as Ally shares with us ... Some of the absolute musts in being successful at getting ourselves out into the market place How important it is to find our uniqueness How a business coach can assist you in marketing your gifts What you need to look for in a business coach What a business/marketing coach looks for in a client Ally Loprete: Known as the Work/Life Balance Parenting expert, Ally Loprete’s career began when she founded the widely popular, an online search directory that lists the products and services of thousands of self-employed parents in more than 120 cities across the US….. And we are going to hear more about this during our time with Ally today. Ally has become a na