Nature Spirits Speak

We Are All One!



Today on Nature Spirits Speak, we are going to be chatting about how everything is connected to everything else… yes, even those individuals that you would not put at the top of your friendship list!!! LOL And of course, it is not just people that we are all connected to, but everything around us, over us and under our feet! We are connected to every tiny thing in this amazing Universe. This can be quite a tricky thing to understand and accept … but at long last, science and spirituality both now agree that yes, we are all connected by energy and vibration. You will discover that you are not alone on this journey, and everything you do is heard and felt by the whole of the planet and the cosmos … and the whole of the Universe responds to your vibration. You will understand the importance of treating everyone and everything on our planet with respect and love, bringing into your life far more happiness, health and wealth than you ever imagined! You see, we are all vibration and energy! My Guest is I