Nature Spirits Speak

You are the Magician



Becoming a Magician? This does sound a little out there doesn’t it … but you know, we are the magician in every moment of every day! Now obviously, I am not talking black magic or anything here … far from it!! The magic I am talking about are those wonderful little things we can do to bring amazing new life into our own world, and into the world at large. Sometimes we live in a trance, but this is a spell of our own making. We become caught in a web of misconceptions … a mistaken belief that our lives can only be lived in struggle and lack. This is so far from their Truth. We actually have so many wonderful tools right at our fingertips which will assist us in reaching our dreams and desires. On today's show, we will be covering a number of these such as crystals, metaphysical spells, astrology, readings and more.