Nature Spirits Speak

Instant Manifestation



Is instant manifestation really possible? And how can we achieve it? Well, it has been done before, but usually by those who have been taught the ways of the ancients. So yes, it is possible, and is becoming more and more possible as we move further into the new age … the golden age. So unless you have fully remembered the secret knowledge, we do have quite a bit of work to do before this becomes a reality in our lives. In order for us to begin to understand this concept, and to actually believe that this is possible, we really need to take a look at our Universe and the way we work within this Universe. We must understand that our physical reality may not be quite as it seems, and that what we may see as our reality, may be just a matter of how we view the world. Science is now telling us that our world as we see it is really just an illusion, and that we have the power to change anything just by changing our intent, our focus, and our belief. On this podcast, you discover how to do just that!