Wild Soul Medicine Radio W/ Jody England

Standing Up, Standing Down



Hello Sister,As the turbulence, violence, uncertainty and conflict grows on every front, it is tempting to step away and avert our eyes and ears - or alternatively, to get pulled into the fray. Putting our boots on the ground, shaking our fists in the air, shouting against the injustice of it all.Standing in this Liminal Space amidst one inciting event after another, letting go of the comfort of our former ways of existing and knowing, and not yet seeing clearly where and how a New Way will emerge…Our Brothers and Sisters at Standing Rock, our neighbors, families, and sisters divided over the latest scandals and accusations making headlines in the current political race.There are many fronts enticing Us to be distracted by The Spectacle.In our discomfort inside of the Space In Between, we search for Meaning. We jump to create Truth rather than allowing it to emerge.It is easy to lose Trust that there is a Sacred Plan running in and through every river, pipeline, candidate, election cycle, and nation.I get it.