Wild Soul Medicine Radio W/ Jody England




Hello, Sister,This e-mail is a hard one to write. All of the words I have used or might use seem trite, overwrought, or inane.I’ve already consulted the dictionary and thesaurus five times in just the first sentence.Looking for meaning.The irony is not lost on me.I am in a space I can only describe as Point-Less.Not depression or existential angst… but actually just totally and utterly Without A Point.In this place, all of my previous motivations, orientations, and justifications no longer have meaning.Devoid of direction or purpose, newly attuned to this Now moment, I find myself in a gap.Of Nothingness.Every possibility existing simultaneously with none of them.I pondered taking this week off from Wild Soul Medicine Radio.I didn't know if I could be relied upon to present anything other than an exclusively myopic viewpoint. (So if you having a point relies on me having a point, maybe you should skip tuning in for this week's show).Otherwise, you are welcome to Be With me in this space of the formless.Highli