Wild Soul Medicine Radio W/ Jody England




Greetings, Sister,It’s Wild Soul Medicine Radio time again and I am feeling saucy. There is a new voice forming itself inside of me. It feels more fun, more provocative, more free, more Wild Soul than before… and also fledgling in a way. Like a teenager whose voice is evolving into new octaves of sound and power. It cracks unexpectedly and a little awkwardly one moment and offers new levels of depth and insight the next.I am playing with it. Learning to dance and weave in it.It REALLY wants to have the mic today, but my more serious, genius, competent side is more than a little wary.She’s afraid you won’t come, won’t get it, won’t be moved by it.But I desire Liberation for myself. I want to have the freedom to talk about things I don’t have figured out yet - to simply raise a topic and leave it unwrapped and unfolding in the center of the circle. I want to be able to traverse many topics in one episode, and make fun of myself and things that need made fun of.So I’m trotting Her out today. (Or rather… SHE is t