Wild Soul Medicine Radio W/ Jody England

Wild Soul State of the Union



As we stand at the precipice of a brand new set of days, perched on the outlook of What Is To Come, the bird’s eye point of reference allows us stunning views of the panorama that we currently inhabit and the array of possibilities that lay before us.Optimism floods our system with the knowing that we have rounded some unseen corner, our systems sigh with relief at the torque that has eased since the turn of the wheel, our spirits swell with hope of our Return.And, also… we are still fully human. Our old patterns have found their way into the new year, our wounded selves still reside inside of us.We are Called to hold a level of seeming dissonance in our ever expanding systems.To hold the vision of Who We Are Becoming while also Being Who We Already Are.It is a new gear for us. Our egos would prefer to have a finish line. To stick a landing of some sort.It is a tempting game to engage in, but one that sets us up for such disappointment. When we try to incessantly gauge where we are and whether we are “there”